How to treat osteoarthritis in dogs

How to treat osteoarthritis in dogs

Sep 21, 2023Valerie De Clerck

Osteoarthritis is an incurable, irreversible process that worsens as time goes on. Thankfully, we can slow down that process and treat the symptoms. The sooner you take action, the better! Better still, support your dog’s joints ever before he is showing signs of osteoarthritis.

What should you do if you suspect that your dog may be suffering from osteoarthritis?

Go to the vet

Often a visit to the vet is put on the long finger until a dog is really in pain or lame. But it’s far more sensible to take your dog to the vet at the first symptoms. Sometimes the complaints have a clear cause that can and must be treated. The vet can also prescribe anti-inflammatories that inhibit the inflammation process in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis.

A healthy body weight

Many dogs suffering from osteoarthritis are overweight. Such a shame! Because the heavier your dog, the greater the strain on his joints.

Suitable exercise

Even dogs suffering from osteoarthritis need enough exercise to keep their joints flexible. Controlled and linear movement on a level surface is safer for the joints than jumping for a ball or playing with other dogs. It is far better to take him for a few short walks a day than for one long one.


A qualified animal physiotherapist can do wonders for your older dog suffering from osteoarthritis.

Nutritional supplement

Healthy bones and joints need the right nutrition. Feed your dog a balanced diet and supplement it with joint supplements.

Opt for a joint supplement like Smooth & Supple, which supports your dog’s joints at four levels:

  1. Supports your dog’s natural defences (1-4)

  2. Supports the cartilage and bones by providing extra nutrients (4, 5)

  3. Keeps the joints and ligaments flexible (3, 6)

  4. Promotes blood flow, an essential aspect of the recovery process (5,6)

You can offer your dog Smooth & Supple, if you notice he is slower to get up but also to keep him flexible if he is still jumping around like a puppy!


Scientific References

  1. Prabhavathi K et al., 2014

  2. Henrotin Y, Priem F, Mobasheri A., 2013

  3. Verhelst G, 2018

  4. Declume C, 1989

  5. Usha PR, Naidu MUR, 2004

  6. Farinon M, 2014

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