Har du en lunefuld hoppe?? Dette af dyrlægen anbefalede kosttilskud indeholder 9 klinisk beviste ingredienser, der hjælper... uden at gøre din hoppe søvnig.

Der er intet værre end en lunefuld hoppe under hendes cyklus. Ofte farlig at være omkring og vanskelig at ride, det kan hurtigt tage glæden ud af ridning. Heldigvis hjælper kombinationen af klinisk beviste, naturlige ingredienser i dette dyrlægeformulerede og anbefalede supplement med at gøre lunefulde hopper mere komfortable og afslappede.

“She’s a joy to be around and her jumping game is stronger than ever”. That’s what professional Belgian rider Thibault Vermeulen said about Curafyt’s Fresh & Fertile after using it for 4-5 weeks with his moody mare, Gaby. 

Gaby used to struggle with mood swings and sensitivity during her cycle…

❌ She didn’t like to be touched on her belly (often related to uterine cramps.)

❌ She would lash out

❌ She was tense and sensitive when ridden

It made riding her risky, and difficult.

Adding Fresh & Fertile to her feed mix made a massive difference with Gaby…

✅ It balanced her hormones with visible improvements in her behaviour

✅ She was more comfortable and relaxed when being ridden

✅ She was less sensitive on her belly (you could touch her in the stables again)

Fresh & Fertile helped Gaby perform at her best during competitions and Thibault now uses the whole range of Curafyt supplements for his horses after seeing such great results.  

If your mare is anything like Thibault’s, struggling with mood swings or uterine cramps during their cycle, then Fresh & Fertile could be perfect.

What’s in Fresh & Fertile that makes it so effective? 

9 clinically proven (and natural we might add) ingredients. It’s that simple. 

It’s this combination of ingredients, formulated by Veterinarian Valerie de Clerck, recommended by 400+ vets across Europe as well as used by thousands of horse owners that is proving life-changing for moody mares. 

It has the added benefit of promoting fertility in horses too, supporting womb health, aiding fertility & pregnancy and unlocking a foal’s genetic potential.

Thousands of owners who are serious about supporting their mare’s mood and hormones are turning to Curafyt's Fresh & Fertile supplement...

Bert BurgersBelgium

"From 2nd month of using Fresh and Fertile, mare is a lot calmer and more workable. Highly recommended!"

Anthony BarbierFrance

"Miracle product...immediate transformation of her temperament"

Eline StebensBelgium

"I gave the supplement all of January to my mare who can usually be very aloof and naughty. Even when riding it was never with full gusto. During that month, she was suddenly more willing to work and less irritable. At first I thought it might be 'coincidence' so I stopped after the first pot. Now I am giving it again for a week and I am starting to see the difference again, unbelievable really! Never made so much progress in riding after almost 4 years of dabbling. And whether I am satisfied!"

How does Fresh & Fertile compare to the alternatives?

Discover the full product details below

Fresh & Fertile


✓ Beroliger hopper med tendens til hormonelle humørsvingninger
✓ Understøtter livmoderens sundhed
✓ Hjælper med fertilitet og graviditet
✓ Frigør føllets genetiske potentiale

Med ni klinisk dokumenterede ingredienser støtter vores plantebaserede Fresh & Fertile-tilskud hopper med adfærdsproblemer i forbindelse med deres cyklus. Ud over at afbalancere deres hormoner understøtter det livmoderens sundhed og fremmer frugtbarheden, så din hoppe kan føde et sundt og sprælsk føl!

Ingredients: broccoli powder; flaxseed powder; calcium phosphate; oatmeal.

Additives per kg
- Betaine (3a920), 100 g
- Choline chloride (3a890), 60 g
- Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), 32,800 IU
- Folic acid (3a316), 2,000 mg
- Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine), 800 mg

Aromatic additives
- L-cysteine (2b17033), 120 g

Analytical constituents
- Crude protein, 18.60%
- Crude fat, 8.35%
- Crude ash, 7.73%
- Crude fibre, 4.62%
- Sodium, < 1%

Supplementary feed for horses

< 150 kg (Miniature Horse), 1/4 scoop
250 kg (Shetland Pony), 1/2 scoop
350 kg (Icelandic), 3/4 scoop
500 kg (Quarter), 1 scoop
600 kg (Warmblood), 1+1/4 scoop
650 kg (Friesian), 1+1/3 scoop
> 750 kg (Draft Horse), 1+1/2 scoop

Mix with food or dissolve in a syringe with water and administer directly into the mouth.

Read more awesome feedback about this product below