Dog blog - Veterinary Advice

Is my dog's stool normal and healthy?
Sep 21, 2023
Din hunds afføring kan fortælle dig meget om hans helbred og tilstanden af hans fordøjelsessystem. Når du samler din hunds lort op, er det en god idé at tjekke farve, lugt og konsistens. Hvordan ser den perfekte hundelort ud, og hvornår skal du handle? Læs videre!
How a disrupted microbiome can lead to itching in dogs
Sep 21, 2023
Din hunds hudmikrobiom eller hudflora er dens primære forsvarslinje mod eksterne patogener. Forestil dig det som en hær med 'sunde' mikroorganismer som soldater, der spænder fra vira til svampe til bakterier. I øvrigt, og dette gælder både for mennesker og hunde, er disse organismer afgørende for god sundhed og er rigelige på huden, i tarmene og i skeden.
My dog smells, what to do?
Sep 21, 2023
Being a dog parent is not always a bed of roses—and your dog does not always smell of roses either. While every animal has its own specific odour, in some cases there is more to it than that. Maybe your four-legged friend would benefit from a visit to the vet. From unkempt teeth to skin problems to farts, these are the most common causes of unpleasant dog odours. While every animal has its own specific odour, in some cases there is more to it than that.
Ten tips for cooling down your dog in hot weather
Sep 21, 2023
Summer at last! Time to enjoy the sunshine but make sure to keep your bestie cool, because, when he is exposed to high temperatures for any extended period of time, he may become dehydrated, get diarrhoea, or worse still... die. With these ten tips, you’ll be able to keep your buddy cool!
Spotting osteoarthritis in older dogs
Sep 21, 2023
Like us, humans, dogs can contract all kinds of age-related ailments as they get older. Osteoarthritis is a very common and painful inflammation caused by a degeneration of the joint cartilage. As a dog owner it is important to recognise the onset of osteoarthritis early on so that you can support your dog with the appropriate exercise and the right food and nutritional supplements.
How to treat osteoarthritis in dogs
Sep 21, 2023
Osteoarthritis is an incurable, irreversible process that worsens as time goes on. Thankfully, we can slow down that process and treat the symptoms. The sooner you take action, the better! Better still, support your dog’s joints ever before he is showing signs of osteoarthritis.