Empowering you with the best natural ingredients and expert advice for your horse and dogs' lifelong health.


We build a bridge between nutrition and medication.

Wir wollen für unsere Tiere, was wir auch für uns selbst wollen. Wir nehmen das Beste aus der Natur und machen daraus das Beste für deinen Hund oder dein Pferd. Kein Beimischen zweifelhafter Zusätze, nur natürliche Wirkstoffe, die die Gesundheit deines besten Freundes stärken.

Unsere Nahrungsergänzungen sind das Bindeglied zwischen Ernährung und Medikament. Zurück zur Basis, um das Gleichgewicht deines Hundes oder Pferdes von innen heraus zu regenerieren.

Valerie De Clerck, Founder Curafyt
Veterinarian and nutritionist


Carefully selected ingredients formulated by vets

Und wie Eltern für ihre Kinder gibt Valérie das Beste für das Leben ihrer Lieblinge.

Cata ist schon fast zwanzig. Und da ältere Pferde für das Equine Cushing Syndrom anfällig sind, gebe ich ihm Steady & Stable. Besser vorbeugen als heilen! Zur Pflege seiner Gelenke bekommt er Smooth & Supple, und im Winter gebe ich Grow & Glow hinzu, damit er nicht zu viel Gewicht verliert.

Und Babouche bekommt täglich eine Dosis Immune & Tune. Es stärkt ihr Immunsystem und sorgt für glänzendes Fell. Im Sommer gebe ich ihr Smooth & Supple, denn wir joggen zusammen, dann ist sie aktiver. So bleiben Mensch und Tier gemeinsam fit!


We prioritize quality at every step, from top-tier ingredients to meticulous manufacturing.

Curafyt supplements are manufactured in European facilities certified with ISO 22000, FCA (GMP+), and organic standards. Every batch is tested for the presence of prohibited substances in a specialized laboratory in France, ensuring our products carry a Clean Sport label.

„Mein Hund Babouche und mein Pferd Cata sind meine besten Freunde. Stimmt nicht - sie sind meine Kinder.“

Valérie De Clerck


We integrate veterinary expertise with natural supplements for holistic animal health.

Supplements are just one piece of the health puzzle. They should never be seen as a replacement for a good basic diet, nor are they a substitute for medication. The advice of our veterinarians is crucial in the correct use and recommendation of natural supplements as an essential component of a comprehensive approach.

We're proud to collaborate with over 600 veterinarians across Europe, ensuring widespread professional support for our approach. For personalized guidance, you can also connect with our in-house veterinarian or nutritionist through our live chat feature, making expert advice readily accessible.


By prioritizing the health of both animals and the planet, we're working towards a more sustainable future for all.

CO2 neutral office building

Our dedication to environmental responsibility starts with our CO2 neutral office building, which minimizes our carbon footprint.

Fully recyclable packaging

We've invested significant time and effort in researching sustainable packaging options for our products. While glass might seem like an eco-friendly choice at first glance, our pet (polyethylene terephthalate) packaging actually proves to be more sustainable in several ways:

  • Mono-material advantage: Our packaging uses mono plastic (PET), which is fully recyclable, unlike mixed-material packaging.
  • Lower carbon footprint: PET is lighter than glass, requiring less energy for transportation and thus reducing our overall carbon footprint.
  • Durability and safety: PET is shatter-resistant, and safe to use in horse environments.
  • Pharmaceutical grade quality: To ensure the highest quality and safety of our products, we use pharmaceutical grade packaging. This stringent requirement limits our ability to use purely paper-based alternatives.

We're aware that some packaging options may appear more natural or eco-friendly on the surface. However, these can sometimes be examples of 'greenwashing' - for instance, packaging that uses paper on the outside but contains plastic or foil on the inside. Such mixed materials are often more difficult to recycle than our mono plastic solution.

Our choice of PET packaging represents the most sustainable option currently available that also meets our high standards for product quality and safety. We continue to monitor developments in sustainable packaging and remain committed to adopting even more eco-friendly solutions as they become viable for our specific needs.

Maintaining Animal Health to Combat Antibiotic Resistance

Natural supplements and healthy nutrition play a vital role in maintaining animal health, potentially reducing the need for antibiotics and helping combat antibiotic resistance. However, these supplements complement, not replace, necessary medical treatments including prescribed antibiotics. They form part of a comprehensive approach to animal health, aiming to improve overall well-being and minimize intervention needs.