Privacy Policy

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    This Privacy Policy is based on article 13 of the General Regulation on Data Protection and contains the rights and obligations of Curafyt with regard to the external persons whose personal data it processes mainly in the context of online sales and marketing of goods and services.

    This "Privacy Policy" regulates the processing of your personal data by the person responsible for the processing: Curafyt BV Nachegaalstraat 10, 9320 Erembodegem, registered in the kruispuntbank der ondernemingen under the number 0743.616.351 (hereafter: "Curafyt").

    Read this Privacy Policy carefully, because it contains essential information on how your personal data are processed and which cookies are used. By providing your personal data on the Website or via the e-mail addresses mentioned on this website, you declare to have taken knowledge of this Privacy Policy and you also explicitly agree with it, as well as with the processing itself.

    Article 1 - General

    • Curafyt observes the "Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data", as modified by the Law of 11 December 1998, as well as the anti-spam stipulations from Book XII of the Code of Economic Law on the "law of the electronic economy".
    • By means of the present Privacy Policy Curafyt complies with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of personal data.

    Article 2 - Personal data

    2.1. Personal data you communicate to us

    • Category 1: without registration: your IP address and browsing habits;
    • Category 2: your profile name, password, e-mail address, login data and (possibly your profile picture);
    • Category 3: upon registration: your email address when subscribing to our newsletter;
    • Category 4: via cookies: functional and non-functional;
    • Category 5: your address details and payment information in connection with placing an order or subscribing for a subscription.

    2.2. Curafyt can collect Personal Data from you in various ways through the use of cookies (see below);

    1. during your registration and use of the Website for placing an order
    2. when you contact us directly by e-mail, telephone, post, message or through our chat function

    2.3. The Website also makes use of cookies which collect some personal data. For the provisions on the use of cookies, see Article 9.

    Article 3 - Purposes of the processing

    3.1. General purposes

    Curafyt will use the Personal Data collected from you exclusively for the following purposes:

    • Category 1: maintaining and improving this Website and including Personal Data in anonymous statistics, from which the identity of specific persons or companies cannot be traced, with the legal basis of the legitimate interests of Curafyt to continuously improve its Website and service;
    • Category 2: the management of your account on this Website with a view to using our Website, with the legal basis of the execution of an agreement requested by you and, if indicated by you, also sending direct marketing, with the legal basis of your explicit, prior permission;
    • Category 3: sending you direct marketing, newsletters, actions and promotions on the legal basis of your explicit, prior permission;
    • Category 4: Curafyt uses cookies with a purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for instance, your preferences are remembered. These cookies are also used to make the website work properly and to optimize it. In addition, we place cookies that track your surfing behaviour so that we can offer you tailor-made content and advertisements, with the legal basis of your explicit, prior consent;
    • Category 5: the delivery and invoicing of products ordered by you, with the legal basis being the provision of a service requested by you and the legitimate interest in carrying out the service or subscription services.

    You are not obliged to disclose Your Personal Data, but understand that the provision of certain services becomes impossible if You refuse their processing.

    3.2. Direct marketing

    The Personal Data will also be used for direct marketing, provided that You have given additional express consent ("opt-in") to do so.If you are already included in our mailing list for receiving marketing materials in paper and/or electronic form, Curafyt may use your Personal Data for sending marketing and other materials concerning Curafyt, its products and/or services. Curafyt may use the information provided by you for updating documents kept by Curafyt.This permission may be withdrawn at any moment, without motivation and free of charge, by sending an e-mail to, a letter to Curafyt BV Nachegaalstraat 10, 9320 Erembodegem, by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for that purpose at the bottom of each promotional e-mail message or on our website by clicking on "account".

    3.3. Transfer to third parties

    In the event that Curafyt reorganises, transfers in whole or in part, ceases its business activities, or if Curafyt goes bankrupt, this may mean that your data will be transferred to new entities or third parties through which the business activities of Curafyt are wholly or partly carried out.Curafyt will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of the fact that Curafyt will disclose your Data to said third party, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible in all circumstances. Curafyt will not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make your Personal Data commercially available to third parties, except as described above or unless with your prior consent.

    3.4. Legal requirements

    In rare cases Curafyt may have to disclose your Personal Data as a result of a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. Curafyt will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance, unless this is subject to legal restrictions.

    Article 4 - Automated decision-making

    Curafyt does not make decisions based on automated processing, i.e. without human intervention, on matters that could (significantly) affect individuals.

    Article 5 - Duration of the processing

    We will keep and process the personal data for a period that is necessary in function of the purposes of the processing and in function of the contractual relationship between Curafyt and you.

    In determining the relevant retention period we take the following factors into account

    • our contractual obligations and rights with regard to the information concerned;
    • legal obligation(s) under applicable law to retain data for a certain period of time;
    • limitation periods in accordance with applicable law(s);
    • disputes or potential disputes; and guidance from competent data protection authorities.

    We delete inactive customer accounts after 7 years. After that period, we will only use your data anonymously, for internal reporting purposes.

    We are obliged to keep your invoice, payment and order data for 7 years. After that, we will only use your data anonymously.

    If you have subscribed to the newsletter or if you have given permission to receive personalised messages, we will save this permission for 5 years.

    Article 6 - Your rights

    You can exercise the rights contained in this article at all times by sending an e-mail to or by letter to Curafyt NV, Nachtegaalstraat 10, 9320 Erembodegem, Belgium, or by using the "Contact us" section on the Website, provided you enclose a copy of your identity card.

    6.1. Right of access and inspection

    You have the right to inspect Your personal data at any time free of charge, as well as the use that Curafyt makes of Your personal data.

    6.2. Right of correction, deletion and restriction

    You are free to communicate your personal data to Curafyt or not. You also have the right to request to improve, add to or remove your personal data at any time. You acknowledge that in case of refusal to communicate or request to remove personal data, certain services and products will not be available.

    6.3. Right of Objection

    You also have a right to object to the processing of Your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.In addition, You always have the right to oppose the use of Personal Data for direct marketing purposes; in such case you do not need to provide any reasons.

    6.4. Right of free data transfer

    You have the right to obtain and/or transfer your Personal Data processed by us in structured, common and machine-readable form to other responsible parties.

    6.5. Right of Withdrawal of Consent

    To the extent that the processing is based on Your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent.

    6.6. Automatic decisions and profiling

    The processing of your Personal Data does not include profiling, nor will you be subject to automated decisions by Us.

    6.7. Right to lodge a complaint

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian Privacy Commission: Commission for the Protection of Privacy, rue du Palais de la Pushcourt 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail: This is without prejudice to a remedy before a civil court. If You should suffer any damage as a result of the processing of Your personal data, you can make a claim for compensation.

    Article 7 - Security and confidentiality

    7.1. We have developed technical and organisational security measures in order to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorised access or accidental communication to third parties of personal data that we have collected, as well as any other unauthorised processing of this data.

    7.2. In no event Curafyt can be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from a wrong or unlawful use of the personal data by a third party.

    7.3. You must at all times comply with the safety regulations, among other things by preventing any unauthorised access to your login and code. You are thus solely responsible for the use made from the Website of Your computer, IP address and of Your identification data, as well as for their confidentiality.

    Article 8 - Access by third parties

    8.1. We will share your information with third parties. The types of third-party service providers to whom we may transfer your information include:

    • payment service providers (including online payment service providers and fraud detection service providers): to provide our services, for example, when they process data such as credit card payments for us, provide support services for you or carry out fraud checks for us;
    • IT service providers (including cloud service providers): for data storage and analysis;
    • delivery partners: so that they can deliver your order;
    • marketing and advertising partners: so that they can ensure you see the advertisements that are most relevant to you and send you marketing emails on our behalf.

    For example, the information Curafyt collects about you is transferred to and stored on our (secure) servers in Canada and the United States (via Shopify).

    When you enter into a subscription, you consent to Shopify Recharge accessing certain personal data so that the subscription services can be made possible. This includes data to identify you (name, email address, shipping and billing address) and to enable any payment and subscription facilities (the last 4 digits of credit cards, Paypal information, products ordered or considered, order history and other order details). For more information on how Shopify Recharge processes this data, please refer to its privacy policy.

    8.3. Curafyt will take all necessary steps to ensure that your data are handled in a secure manner and in accordance with this privacy policy when they are passed on to third parties. Their access is limited to the data they need for the execution of their assignment. Curafyt always asks its subcontractors to take the necessary organisational and technical security measures for the protection of the Personal Data and to guarantee their strict confidentiality. Curafyt cannot be held liable for the use that third parties make of your data.

    Article 9 - Declaration Privacy Commission

    If you are not satisfied with our response to a complaint or if you believe that our processing of your data is not in accordance with the legislation on data protection, you can lodge a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority using the following contact details: Commission for the Protection of PrivacyRue du Printing 35, 1000 Brussels+32 (0)2 274 48 00+32 (0)2 274 48 35

    Article 10 - Cookies

    10.1. What are cookies?

    A "cookie" is a small file sent by the server of Curafyt and placed on the hard disk of Your computer. The information stored on these cookies can only be read by Us and only for the duration of the visit to the Website.

    10.2. Why do we use cookies?

    Our Website uses cookies and similar technologies to distinguish your usage preferences from those of other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our Website and also allows us to optimise our Website.Due to recent legislative changes, all Websites targeting certain parts of the European Union are required to obtain your consent for the use or storage of cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy provides you with clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and their purpose.

    10.3. Types of cookies

    Although there are different types of cookies, distinguished by their functionality, origin or retention period, the legislation mainly distinguishes between functional or technically necessary cookies on the one hand and all other cookies on the other hand.With regard to cookies placed by third parties (e.g. Google Analytics), we would like to refer you to the statements these parties provide on their respective websites. Please note that we do not exert any influence on the content of those statements, nor on the content of the cookies of these third parties: Google Analytics cookies

    10.4. Your consent

    When you first visited our website, we already informed you about these cookies and asked for your consent to their placement.

    You can also refuse or block cookies by changing the configuration parameters of your navigation system.

    Disabling cookies may mean that you are unable to use certain functionalities on the Website.

    Article 11 - More Information

    Should You have any further questions or comments concerning the processing of Your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can do this by sending an e-mail to or by letter to Curafyt BV Nachegaalstraat 10, 9320 Erembodegem, Belgium or by using the "Contact us" section on the Website.

    You can find more information about cookies at: